Algunas Características De La Enseñanza De La Psicología
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The extent to which science can be taught is a concept thatlinks the object of study of the science, the way in which ithas been structured theoretically, epistemologically andmethodologically and the didactics which permit qualifiedteaching. This article describes the relationship betweenpedagogical practice and the nature of the the discipline ofscience which has to be taught. It analyses the praxis ofteaching in the light of the concepts of what, who, why andhow a science or discipline is taught. It illustrates howdifferent specific didactics have been gaining strength inrelation to teaching objectives. It assumed some of theresulting ideas of the research "Enseñabilidad de laPsicología" (Arrivillaga,M y Aragón, L 2002). Thisresearch took on the complexity of the discussion relatingto the teaching of Social Sciences in which one can perceivemore precisely the real problem of the contents to be dealtwith. It presents a short discussion about the historicalevolution of the objecto of study of Psychology and the wayin which the concept of this object by educators -professors-intervenes in his/her teaching. Finally, it exposes thecharacteristics of "Vivencia" (personal experience) as aspecific didactic tool of Psychology its interactions and thecircumstances which surround its implementation.
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