Service learning as an ethical training experience: learning and challenges in psychology training. A case study. Aprendizaje servicio en formación ética
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Objective. To offer empirical evidence that allows understanding how the experience of participation in a Service-Learning
Platform (APS) drives the development of ethical learning that links reection and action as part of the professional training in
three university students of Psychology who were doing their professional practice in a project called El Club de Amarú.
Method. Design-based research was used to analyze the reections of the three students regarding the educational actions they
planned and executed with a group of 30 children in third grade who participated in the club. Results. ey are presented
through three categories of analysis: (a) design of El Club Amarú and detection of social needs, (b) conguration of
responsibility as educational agents, and (c) care in intervention. Conclusion. APS experiences can be considered scenarios for
theoretical disciplinary training and for the development and strengthening of principles of care ethics, which allows for the
consolidation of comprehensive learning that links values and citizenship training as fundamental axes in the professional
training of psychologists.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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