Cultura, diversidad y deconstrucción de prejuicios en las escuelas
Contenido principal del artículo
Objective. This research paper is aimed at identifying and analyzing relevant aspects concerning concepts as well as cultural and pedagogical practices related to the intended deconstruction of prejudices proposed by a project in the context of a public elementary school. Method. Participant observation procedures were adopted to investigate activities related to the project and semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with six educators. Furthermore, one focus group session was conducted with a class of 25 students in the 9th grade. Results. indicated successful work to achieve the intended objectives, as well as aspects that were obstacles. It was concluded that lectures are not enough to address sensitive issues linked to the deconstruction of prejudices, for educators’ deep affective-laden values and beliefs can negatively interfere with their dialogical dispositions towards students. Conclusion. We claim that dialogical practices are crucial to help deconstruct prejudices and develop constructive relations among everyone, as they may work to foster social justice and democracy within schools and beyond.
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Cómo citar
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