Loss and Grief in Persons Affected by Forced Displacement

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Victoria Eugenia Díaz
Astrid Natalia Molina
Manuel Antonio Marín


The meaning attributed to the experiences of multiple losses, and the handling of grief in displaced
persons in Medellin (Colombia) were analyzed.
Using a phenomenological-hermeneutical approach,
a descriptive, qualitative study was carried out. Eighteen displaced persons, who voluntarily participated,
reconstructed their experiences in semi-structured interviews. Atlas Ti software was used for data analysis.
Forced displacement causes multiple loss, both physical and symbolic. Pain, uncertainty, distrust,
fear, somatic manifestations and isolation behavior are common responses to this experience and form a
framework of the meanings built around it. Grief follows a process of partial management, according to personal
characteristics, social support and the symbolic and economic resources available at the place of resettlement.
Strength of attachment to the countryside and to other people, personal characteristics, contextual
aspects and the way in which the bond was torn allow the understanding of the possibilities and limits for life
reconstruction. However, some losses remain as wounds impossible to heal, generally those associated with
horror-related experiences.


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How to Cite
Díaz, V. E. ., Molina , A. N., & Marín , M. A. . (2015). Loss and Grief in Persons Affected by Forced Displacement. Pensamiento Psicológico, 13(1), 16. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javerianacali.PPSI13-1.pdpa
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