Emotional Dysregulation and Dissocial Behavior in a Sample of Adolescents in Conflict with the Law

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Germán Cabrera Gutiérrez
Nora Helena Londoño Arredondo
Joan Sebastián Arbeláez Caro
Juan David Cruz Valencia
Leidy Yovanna Macías Castillo
Ana María España Macías


Objective. To establish the degree of relationship between emotional dysregulation and antisocial and criminal behavior in adolescents who conflict with the law. Method. Non-experimental design, quantitative approach, with descriptive scope – correlation of transversal temporality. Sixty-two adolescents in conflict with the law participated. The instruments used were the Characterization Sheet, MINI KID and Emotional Deregulation Scale (DERS-E). Results. 54.8% of adolescents reported behavioral problems. Emotional neglect is different between people with antisocial personality disorder and those who do not have it (t = 4.853, p = 0.031). Emotional neglect predicts the onset of antisocial personality disorder (β = 0.030, p = 0.05, Exp(β) = 1.362). Conclusion. The data showed the importance of the theoretical review of antisocial behavior and the factors associated with it in order to establish better models of intervention and understanding of the phenomenon, mainly the influence of emotional regulation on the onset of dissocial behaviour in adolescents. 


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How to Cite
Cabrera Gutiérrez, G., Londoño Arredondo, N. H., Arbeláez Caro, J. S., Cruz Valencia, J. D., Macías Castillo, L. Y., & España Macías, A. M. (2020). Emotional Dysregulation and Dissocial Behavior in a Sample of Adolescents in Conflict with the Law. Pensamiento Psicológico, 18(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javerianacali.PPSI18-1.decd
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