La dinámica vincular celos-infidelidad
Main Article Content
The jealousy-infidelity conflict has an underlying current of interpsyche motivations as strong as fear of object
loss, narcissistic need satisfaction, differentiation search, and power relationships. Feelings such as pain,
hatred, sadness, fear, uncertainty, lack of trust, repentance, erratic behavior, doubts, constant dissociation, and
blame are felt as much by the jealous party as by the unfaithful party. The significance of infidelity has to do
with escaping the invasive object, forcing oneself to reparation, denial of the de-idealization of the love object
or protecting oneself against abandonment. The frequency of this conflict in couples and its recurrence as a
motive for consultation obligates psychotherapists to greater depth analysis of the complexity which underlies
the dynamics of this link. The orientation theory for the presentation of this theme is basically integrated by
the unconscious dynamics of object relationships, projective identification and collusion.
loss, narcissistic need satisfaction, differentiation search, and power relationships. Feelings such as pain,
hatred, sadness, fear, uncertainty, lack of trust, repentance, erratic behavior, doubts, constant dissociation, and
blame are felt as much by the jealous party as by the unfaithful party. The significance of infidelity has to do
with escaping the invasive object, forcing oneself to reparation, denial of the de-idealization of the love object
or protecting oneself against abandonment. The frequency of this conflict in couples and its recurrence as a
motive for consultation obligates psychotherapists to greater depth analysis of the complexity which underlies
the dynamics of this link. The orientation theory for the presentation of this theme is basically integrated by
the unconscious dynamics of object relationships, projective identification and collusion.
Article Details
How to Cite
La dinámica vincular celos-infidelidad. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 9(17), 6.
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How to Cite
La dinámica vincular celos-infidelidad. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 9(17), 6.