Observadores: un rol determinante en el acoso escolar
Main Article Content
To examine the role of bystanders in bullying, as few studies illustrate specifically its relevance
regarding the phenomenon and the reason for their lack of empathic understanding, low perceived self-
efficacy, among others.
Studies and theories of more relevance in this matter, which contribute
important data on prevalence, associated behaviors, beliefs, cognitions and other key elements for viewing
areas where interventions should be focused on in order to prevent and intervene bullying with emphasis in the
role of the participants. Electronic databases such as ProQuest Psychology Journals, PsycINFO, PSICODOC,
PsycARTICLES, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection were reviewed, and the following key
words were used:
bystanders, bullying, group process
, separate, unrestricted field without limit a temporal
including the languages English and Spanish. Specialized internet portals were also consulted on the subject
as Prevnet, World Health Organization (WHO) and Anti-bullyingalliance kivaprogram.net.
levels of approach to the phenomenon were identified; also, definition, prevalence, characteristics, and some
explanations about causality were described.
The role of the bystanders, the main participants of
bullying, receives a special relevance in those, whose behavior instigate, encourage, support and contribute to
intimidation acts or, failing to that, take action to stop them.
To examine the role of bystanders in bullying, as few studies illustrate specifically its relevance
regarding the phenomenon and the reason for their lack of empathic understanding, low perceived self-
efficacy, among others.
Studies and theories of more relevance in this matter, which contribute
important data on prevalence, associated behaviors, beliefs, cognitions and other key elements for viewing
areas where interventions should be focused on in order to prevent and intervene bullying with emphasis in the
role of the participants. Electronic databases such as ProQuest Psychology Journals, PsycINFO, PSICODOC,
PsycARTICLES, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection were reviewed, and the following key
words were used:
bystanders, bullying, group process
, separate, unrestricted field without limit a temporal
including the languages English and Spanish. Specialized internet portals were also consulted on the subject
as Prevnet, World Health Organization (WHO) and Anti-bullyingalliance kivaprogram.net.
levels of approach to the phenomenon were identified; also, definition, prevalence, characteristics, and some
explanations about causality were described.
The role of the bystanders, the main participants of
bullying, receives a special relevance in those, whose behavior instigate, encourage, support and contribute to
intimidation acts or, failing to that, take action to stop them.
Article Details
How to Cite
Observadores: un rol determinante en el acoso escolar. (2016). Pensamiento Psicológico, 14(1), 14. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javerianacali.PPSI14-1.orda
Artículos de investigación original
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How to Cite
Observadores: un rol determinante en el acoso escolar. (2016). Pensamiento Psicológico, 14(1), 14. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javerianacali.PPSI14-1.orda