Supporting Migrant Fencers in a Sporting Environment
Main Article Content
Objective. To explore the experiences of coaches and health science professionals while supporting the cultural transition and the
transnational sports career of migrant Colombian fencers. Method. Two focus groups were conducted with the participation of
nine people of the top-class, multidisciplinary team in fencing (men = 6 and women = 3), coaches (n = 5) and health sciences
professionals (n = 4). A reexive thematic analysis was performed. Results. Supporting the cultural transition of migrant fencers
impacts the well-being and supporting dynamics of coaches and health professionals. Two main issues were generated: (a) En
garde; and (b) Marche and retraite. Regarding En garde, participants expressed that they faced dilemmas, surprise and the feeling
of fading into the background regarding their role as technical and health support providers. In Marche and retraite, the change
in the counseling dynamics (e.g. virtual communication) and the reactive nature of distance relationships was clear. Conclusion e sport migration create new challenges for the multidisciplinary team that supports and assists athletes’ transnational careers.
Hence, practical recommendations for coaches and health professionals based on the cultural praxis of Cultural Sport Psychology
are suggested.
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