Caracterización sobre la percepción de la gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SST a partir de la comunicación y la cultura en empresa del sector industrial

Characterization of the perception of OSH management based on communication and culture in a company in the industrial sector


  • Stephanie Carolina Cardona Villafañe


organizational culture, safety and health at work, sustainable development, strategic communication


The present article has the purpose of recognizing the perception of the management of safety and health at work, through cultural processes and strategic communication in the Siderúrgica del Occidente, a company in charge of offering construction materials, located in the Valley of Cauca, Colombia. 

For the initial development of this study and based on the consolidation of a theoretical framework to establish the analysis criteria, the characterization phase was established with the application of an interview to ten administrative officials of the organization and a survey of 153 employees of the organization. SIDOC plant, both instruments in order to know the perception of the organization’s collaborators regarding the categories of culture, communication, sustainability and safety and health at work and, finally, a documentary ethnography where the report of organizational sustainability. In accordance with the above, the various categories intervened at the methodological level were analyzed at a theoretical level. After this characterization, it is sought to carry out the prospective against the communication strategies that facilitate the appropriation of the culture of health and safety at work in the organization.

Based on the results obtained in the characterization, it was found that SIDOC employees recognize the impact of communication strategies aimed at consolidating and socializing the cultural aspects of occupational health and safety in the company. However, they identify that there is the possibility of strengthening communication channels and/or strategies to favor the participation of collaborators and, in turn, the appropriation of safety and health at work.


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How to Cite

Caracterización sobre la percepción de la gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SST a partir de la comunicación y la cultura en empresa del sector industrial: Characterization of the perception of OSH management based on communication and culture in a company in the industrial sector. (2025). Cuaderno Javeriano De Comunicación, 20, 138-166.

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