Non suicidal self-injury, attachment to parents, peers, and internet addiction in mexican adolescents
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Objective. To identify protective and risk factors according to the variables of attachment to parents and peers, internet addiction and depression in relation to non suicidal self-injury. Method. It is a non-experimental study with explanatory scope. The sample was 433 students from public high schools in Hermosillo, Sonora. The self-injury certificate, Parent and Peer Attachment Inventory for adolescents, internet addiction test and the Beck IA Depression Inventory were applied. ANOVA and logistic regression were performed. Results. The severe self-injury model obtained an R2 = 0.38 and a β = 12.37, IC [1.89 – 80.72] (p<0.05) for loss of internet control. The mild self-injury model obtained an R2 = 0.11 and a β = 1.89, CI [0.48 – 7.39] (p=0.35) in the cognitive-affective dimension. Conclusions. Internet addiction is a variable to understand self-injury. Communication and trust variables with parents in severe self-injury are confirmed as protective factors, while digital control loss and depression are identified as risk factors.
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