Motivations toward Physical Activity of Adolescents, Older Adults and Former Elite Athletes: A Qualitative Analysis

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Susana Pallarés
Salvador Miró
Andrea Pérez-Rivases
Miguel Torregrosa
Yago Ramis
Jaime Cruz
Carme Viladrich


Objective. To explore the similarities and differences between the types of motivation towards the practice of physical activity
(PA) in different populations (adolescents, older adults and former elite athletes) for the creation of PA programs that reect the
particularities of those populations. Method. e qualitative data collection was carried out through focus groups; three groups
with adolescents, two with olderadultsand one with formereliteathletes. In total, 17 adolescents, 14 olderadultsand four former
elite athletes participated in this study. A thematic analysis was conducted. Results. e results are shown based on autonomous,
controlled motivation and amotivation towards the practice of physicalactivity foreach group. Fun, socialization and health have
been identied as motivating factors towards the PA practice common in the three groups studied. Conclusion. Orientations are
proposed forthecreation of PAprograms. Foradolescents,the proposalwould includetheindividualization oftheir objectivesand
the perception of thefreedom ofchoicein relation to the PA. Forthe group of olderadults, it is important to offer newexperiences,
taking into account the prole of the monitor. For the group of former elite athletes, the proposed starting point would be the
reconceptualization of the PA practice aer the athletic career.

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How to Cite
Motivations toward Physical Activity of Adolescents, Older Adults and Former Elite Athletes: A Qualitative Analysis. (2020). Pensamiento Psicológico, 18(2), 1-12.
Artículos de investigación original

How to Cite

Motivations toward Physical Activity of Adolescents, Older Adults and Former Elite Athletes: A Qualitative Analysis. (2020). Pensamiento Psicológico, 18(2), 1-12.


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