Psychometric Properties of Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction Questionnaire in Argentinean Adolescents
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Objective. To analyze the psychometric properties of an Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction Questionnaire applied to
a sample of Argentinean teenagers. Method. An intentional sample of 728 adolescents between 12 and 15 years old (60%
women; .age = 15.02, SD = 1.7) was established. e adolescents were studying from freshman to third year in two private schools
in the city of Paraná, Argentina. e participants answered seven questionnaires that explore sociodemographic data, online sexual
request an interaction, cyberbullying, victimization, psychosomatic and depression symptoms and sexting. Data were analyzed with
the SPSS 23 and MPLUS 6. Results. Findings indicated an adequate unifactorial structure - unlike the authors' bifactorial structure
- from a parallel analysis and conrmatory factor analysis (CFI = 0.99, TLI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.07), adequate internal reliability
(Cronbach's alpha 0.93) and construct validity, as suggested by the questionnaire's correlations with depression, victimization,
cybervictimization, and sexting(.s = 0.15-0.46). Discussion. Despite nding a unifactorial structure, the questionnaire would
present adequate properties in Argentina.
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