Variables Associated with Dating Violence Victimization in Colombian Adolescents

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César Armando Rey Anacona
Jorge Arturo Martínez Gómez


Objective. To examine the relation between a set of variables with dating violence victimization, among 811 adolescents from
12 to 19 years old, attending various educational institutions from two intermediate Colombian cities. Method. e Spanish
versions of the Conict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI), the self-report of the Behavior Assessment
System for Children and Adolescents (BASC-S3), the SCL-90-R Checklist of Symptoms, and a self-report questionnaire of
psychological variables were used. Correlational analysis and a multiple linear regression were implemented. Results. e frequency
of abuse received correlated signicantly (p ≤ 0.05) with clinical variables including somatization, depression and anxiety,
substance use, suicide attempts and general clinical maladjustment, personality traits such as sensation seeking and atypicality
and with contextual variables such as school maladjustment, negative attitude toward school, family physical abuse, paternal and
maternal neglect and bad relationships with parents. All these variables explained 18.1% of victimization variance. Marijuana use,
some psychopathological symptoms, and poor maternal relationships signicantly predicted such victimization. Conclusion. e
victimization could be related to severe physical and mental health difficulties, as well as intrapersonal and contextual variables
which should be considered together for the successful intervention of the victims, including their families and the school

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Variables Associated with Dating Violence Victimization in Colombian Adolescents. (2021). Pensamiento Psicológico, 19, 1-12.
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How to Cite

Variables Associated with Dating Violence Victimization in Colombian Adolescents. (2021). Pensamiento Psicológico, 19, 1-12.


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