Penal protection of the environment and a new ecocentrist proposal


  • Santiago Loaiza González


Ecocentrism, Flora, Fauna, Environment, Ecosystems, Restorative justice, Ius puniendi, Ecologic constitution, Non-human, Green victimology, Intrinsic value, Anthropocentrism


The situation of climate change and the harm generated to animals, plants, waterbodies, and ecosystems is getting more serious, the human being has made much of the damage, because of this, it is their obligation to protect and repair the nature in a stricter way. In Colombia, from the criminal legislation there’s a regulatory vacuum in the techniques that allow a restoration of the effects coming from the commission of crimes against the nature and the environment. In respect thereof, it is proposed an alternative justice model with an ecocentric perspective that considers the inherent value of the natural elements and promote a thought of a community life of equality between the human and the environment.


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How to Cite

Loaiza González, S. (2022). Penal protection of the environment and a new ecocentrist proposal. Criterio Jurídico, 17(2), 77–90. Retrieved from



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