Approach to development: Frontier dialogue between sociocultural theories and Bergson

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Mónica Reyes-Rojas
Hernán Sánchez- Río
Livia Simão Mathia


Objetive. This theoretical reflection article is interested in establishing a border dialogue between the developmentalist perspectives of Bergson's theory and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory in order to recognize approximations and distancing. Método. This qualitative documentary study is guided by analytical reviews and comparison matrices of both theoretical perspectives. Results. The evolutionary notion of change in Bergson's and Vygotsky's theory is contrasted. The notion of development underlying both perspectives and their methodological references. Discussion. The discussion frames the dialogue of the two authors with the CSC to recognize the potentialities of their approach to developmental change based on negotiations with others and with an approach that recovers the importance of meaning processes and integrates both authors in a creative and novel way.

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How to Cite
Approach to development: Frontier dialogue between sociocultural theories and Bergson. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 20, 1-15.
Monográfico Psicología Cultural en el contexto de Iberoamérica: Diálogos transdisciplinares

How to Cite

Approach to development: Frontier dialogue between sociocultural theories and Bergson. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 20, 1-15.


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