Cinema and dialogism: how Mirabel discovers her gift in the constitution of self, in Encanto

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Natália Queiroz de Oliveira Souto
Marcella Suarez Di Santo
Fabrícia Teixeira Borges


Objective. This work aims at examining otherness, dialogism, and polyphony in Mirabel’s process of self-constitution In Encanto (2021). Method. A thematic analysis of the movie Encanto was conducted, relating the language of cinema to the themes presents, to observe the struggle of the protagonist Mirabel, to effectively feel part of the Madrigal family, as well as to identify either her gift or her role in a family with extraordinary abilities. Results. Not only the so-called marginalized individuals seek their affirmation in front of a group, but also those whose gift is not enough, and who must assert themselves in its system of meanings. Conclusion. The self-constitution does not present itself as a challenge only to individuals who are not fully integrated, and otherness is not only perceived by individuals who feel excluded. Otherness is constituted as a fundamental factor for the construction of all identities within the same group or context. It is also possible to highlight that the exercise of approximation between theory and filmic production demonstrates a potential expansion of understanding processes and theoretical applicability.

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How to Cite
Cinema and dialogism: how Mirabel discovers her gift in the constitution of self, in Encanto. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 20, 1-12.
Monográfico Psicología Cultural en el contexto de Iberoamérica: Diálogos transdisciplinares

How to Cite

Cinema and dialogism: how Mirabel discovers her gift in the constitution of self, in Encanto. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 20, 1-12.


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