Mediación tecnológica en el duelo: un análisis de los griefbots desde la psicología cultural

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Belén Jiménez-Alonso
Ignacio Brescó de Luna


Objective. This article offers a reflection on the mediating role of the so-called thanatechnologies in grief from the perspective of cultural psychology. Specifically, we will focus on new digital technologies and, above all, on the so-called griefbots or deathbots. Method. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with three mourners to analyze how they imagine the way in which griefbots could mediate their experience of grief, as well as the memory of their deceased loved ones. Results. Interviews yielded an ambivalent attitude towards this new technology. While subjects communicated a desire to maintain the continuing bonds with their loved ones, there was also a certain rejection and unease at the prospect of interacting with a program based on the fingerprint of the deceased. Conclusion. The discussion of the results leads us to be cautious about assessing the potential effect of new technologies regardless of their context of use by each mourner.

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Mediación tecnológica en el duelo: un análisis de los griefbots desde la psicología cultural. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 20.
Monográfico Psicología Cultural en el contexto de Iberoamérica: Diálogos transdisciplinares

How to Cite

Mediación tecnológica en el duelo: un análisis de los griefbots desde la psicología cultural. (2022). Pensamiento Psicológico, 20.


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