Predictive Variables of Work and Academic Engagement in Workers and Students of a Peruvian University

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Patricia Martínez Uribe
Mónica Cassaretto Bardales
Mariela Tavera Palomino


To analyze the personal, psychological and labor or academic variables that predict engagement in
workers (professors and administrative workers) and students of a Peruvian university. Study 1 analyzes work
engagement; Study 2, academic engagement.
The participants were 512 workers and 1078 students
from a private university in Lima, Peru. All were administered the SF-36, the Affectivity and Flourishing scales 
that assess well-being, the Work or Academic UWES-9 and the scales of Professional Self-efficacy of the MBI
for the workers, and the Academic Self-efficacy for students.
The predictive variables most significant
for work engagement were job satisfaction (
= 0.34,
< 0.001), professional self-efficacy (
= 0.021,
0.001) and flourishing (
<0.001); for academic engagement: satisfaction with the career (
= 0.35,
< 0.001), flourishing (
= 0.33,
< 0.001) and academic self-efficacy (
= 0.19,
< 0.001).
predictive variables of engagement were similar in both studies. The most important ones were satisfaction with
work or career, self-efficacy and flourishing, which is the dimension of well-being that entails a purposeful life,
characterized by positive and gratifying social relationships.

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How to Cite
Predictive Variables of Work and Academic Engagement in Workers and Students of a Peruvian University. (2020). Pensamiento Psicológico, 18(1), 13.
Artículos de investigación original

How to Cite

Predictive Variables of Work and Academic Engagement in Workers and Students of a Peruvian University. (2020). Pensamiento Psicológico, 18(1), 13.


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