Objective and Scope

Pensamiento Psicológico is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which offers an opportunity for the publication of research findings in the field of basic and applied psychology, and of disciplines related to mental health, human welfare and the quality of life. Its aim is to become a privileged means of circulation for academics and researchers of psychology and disciplines related to national and international matters. It is published on a half-yearly basis by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali, Colombia.

The journal is circulated among professional people, researchers and students of the social and health sciences, in the American continent as well as in other parts of the world. The journal has its own web site, https://revistas.javerianacali.edu.co/index.php/pensamientopsicologico, which offers free access to all of its contents.

- Section Policies

- Publication Frequency

- Open Access Policy

- Ethical And Legal Principles

- Intellectual Rights

- Archiving

Section Policies

Research Articles

The primary objective of Pensamiento Psicológico is the publication of empirical or theoretical research articles which present original results of completed studies in a detailed and systematic manner. Such articles are especially welcome and should make a significant contribution to the field of psychology and its connections with similar disciplines.

The manuscripts must be divided into the following categories, corresponding to the Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion (IMRD) format.

    • Introduction: The development and background information of the problem; a clear description of the objectives of the study.
    • Method: A description of the type of study, ethical considerations, sampling, participants or units of observation/analysis, procedure, instruments or techniques for gathering information, and data analysis.
    • Results: A clear and descriptive report of the results of the study.
    • Discussion: The analysis, interpretation and discussion of the results in the context of other similar or different conceptual or empirical referents. The presentation of the strengths and weaknesses of the study, as well as a general conclusion.

Research articles of a theoretical nature, sometimes referred to as review articles, present the results of completed research in which the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, organized, and compiled with the intention of setting out clearly the advances and trends in the development of the case, the field of psychology, and related disciplines. Systematic reviews, meta-analysis, bibliometric studies are considered in this type of study, and are required to include a meticulous bibliographical review of at least 50 references. 

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Letters To The Editor 

A manuscript which presents critical, analytical or interpretative points of view on articles published in Pensamiento Psicológico, and which, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee make an important contribution to the discussion of the subject by the scientific community. 

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Translations of classical or up-to-date texts, transcriptions of historical documents, or those of special interest in the scope of publication of Pensamiento Psicológico. 

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Bibliographical Reviews 

of recently published books which are important to the advancement of the field of Psychology, and related disciplines in areas of mental health, human welfare, and the quality of life. 

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Review articles 

The primary objective of Pensamiento Psicológico is the publication of empirical or theoretical research articles which present original results of completed studies in a detailed and systematic manner. Such articles are especially welcome and should make a significant contribution to the field of psychology and its connections with similar disciplines. 

The manuscripts must be divided into the following categories, corresponding to the Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion (IMRD) format.

    • Introduction: The development and background information of the problem; a clear description of the
objectives of the study.
    • Method: A description of the type of study, ethical considerations, sampling, participants or units of observation/analysis, procedure, instruments or techniques for gathering information, and data analysis.
    • Results: A clear and descriptive report of the results of the study.
    • Discussion: The analysis, interpretation and discussion of the results in the context of other similar or different conceptual or empirical referents. The presentation of the strengths and weaknesses of the study, as well as a general conclusion.

Research articles of a theoretical nature, sometimes referred to as review articles, present the results of completed research in which the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, organized, and compiled with the intention of setting out clearly the advances and trends in the development of the case, the field of psychology, and related disciplines. Systematic reviews, meta-analysis, bibliometric studies are considered in this type of study, and are required to include a meticulous bibliographical review of at least 50 references. 

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Artículos de reflexión

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Publication Frequency

Pensamiento Psicológico publishes two issues a year.

Open Access Policy

Pensamiento Psicológico is a free-access indexed journal. Its entire content is available free of charge on this web page and is open to the local and international scientific community.  

Ethical And Legal Principles

Pensamiento Psicológico publishes articles which comply with the ethical principles set out in the Declaration of Helsinki of 1964, and its subsequent revisions. The articles are also subject to compliance with the specific legislation in the country in which the research was carried out, and indicating the name of the institution which gave the ethical guarantee and the corresponding registration number, if any. Studies made in Colombia must be in line with Resolution 8430 of 1993 of the Ministry of Health.

Intellectual Rights

On sending articles for publication the author(s) accept that authors’ rights will be transferred to the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, for their publication in printed or electronic form. 

It is understood that the opinions and evaluations expressed by the authors in their articles are their exclusive responsibility and in no way compromise the opinion or scientific policy of Pensamiento Psicológico or of the University.


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