Las psicologías cognitivas y la psicología de la mente. Herencias, relaciones, tensiones y perspectivas

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Rebeca Puche Navarro


This article examines different conceptual approaches and
historical perspectives on the study of Emotion. It considers
the most recent hypotheses and basic findings including those
from neuscience. According to lthese findings, the concept of
the differentiated emotional process is emphasized even
though it is connected to cognitive and motivational
processes. Finally, it makes an approach to affective
processes which have occasionally been treated indistinctly
from emotional ones, hypothesizing some differential and
relevant elements for its conceptualization.



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How to Cite
javevirtual, & Puche Navarro, R. (2022). Las psicologías cognitivas y la psicología de la mente. Herencias, relaciones, tensiones y perspectivas. Pensamiento Psicológico, 1(1), 22. Retrieved from
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