Evaluación del funcionamiento de una familia con un adolescente con Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar

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Angélica María Restrepo Rivera
Vcitoria Eugenia Acevedo Velasco


This article describes a systemic assessment of a family with an adolescent member diagnosed
with bipolar affective disorder. The data on family processes was analyzed using four categories:
boundaries, communication patterns, individual and family life cycle and family beliefs. Main results
showed disturbances in the four assessed areas. Rigid boundaries, low cohesion within members,
high conflict levels inside and between subsystems, high expressed emotions, unaccomplished
developmental tasks and beliefs related to family life that prevented a more adequate management
of the illness. Systemic family assessment is highlighted as a useful tool to plan and conduct family


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How to Cite
Restrepo Rivera, A. M., & Acevedo Velasco , V. E. . (2022). Evaluación del funcionamiento de una familia con un adolescente con Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar. Pensamiento Psicológico, 5(12), 14. Retrieved from https://revistas.javerianacali.edu.co/index.php/pensamientopsicologico/article/view/126
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