Aportes de la propuesta filosófica-antropológica de Rudolf Allers para el planteamiento de una psicología integral

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Juan Carlos Tuppia Samamé
Alba Liliana Jaramillo Gómez


. Describe and analyze the principles proposed by Dr Rudolf Allers, for the development of an
integral psychology of the human being.
. A theoretical review whose units of analysis were theoretical
articles and books by Rudolf Allers, originating from research in data bases and local libraries. The sources
for the analysis of theological anthropology are key texts from the teachings of the Church.
. Current
studies have demonstrated the low level of consideration on the part of contemporary psychology for spiritual
reality in the explanation of psychological health and the human experience in general. This research-based
evidence seems to indicate discrimination towards the spiritual dimension in the professional spheres of the
American Psychological Association (APA) and the psychologists who work according to the guidelines of this
. A firm and consistent effort is reflected in the works of Allers to contribute to the
teaching of a psychology which is open to the transcendental aspect which conceives the human being as a
bio-psycho-spiritual unit, and which integrates the truths about the person and the world, which result from the
biblical revelation of the catholic perspective in the practice of the profession.


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How to Cite
Tuppia Samamé, J. C., & Jaramillo Gómez , A. L. . (2022). Aportes de la propuesta filosófica-antropológica de Rudolf Allers para el planteamiento de una psicología integral. Pensamiento Psicológico, 8(15), 12. Retrieved from https://revistas.javerianacali.edu.co/index.php/pensamientopsicologico/article/view/175
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