Maltrato infantil y desarrollo: hacia una revisión de los factores de resiliencia

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Gabriela Morelato


The study of resilience as it applies to the problem of child abuse reflects on the importance of focusing, not
only on the grave consequences which this produces, but also on those infantile resources which permit
children to reassume their development. This work proposes to elaborate a theoretical synthesis regarding the
concepts of resilience within the ambience of child abuse and to review the main factors related. Specifically,
this revision seeks to make explicit both internal and external factors of resilience on which the abused child
can count, following the results of empirical research and theoretical analysis of more than 40 works on this
theme which delve into this process and its aspects – a task whose objective is to offer conceptual bases for
those professionals who seek to create potential in the most vulnerable states of infancy.


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How to Cite
Morelato , G. . (2022). Maltrato infantil y desarrollo: hacia una revisión de los factores de resiliencia. Pensamiento Psicológico, 9(17), 14. Retrieved from
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