Autoeficacia y locus de control: variables predictoras de la autorregulación del peso en personas obesas

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Zoraide Lugli Rivero


. The present investigation aimed at determining the predictive capacity of perceived self-efficacy
and locus of control in weight self-regulation of 243 obese persons in medical treatment in different private
health centers.
. A non-experimental, correlational and crsoss-sectional design was used. Weight
self regulation Inventory, Perceived self-efficacy in weight regulation Inventory and Weight locus of control
Inventory were individually administered, on paper and pencil format.
. It was found that obese persons
who feel capable of controlling their weight and at the same time have weak beliefs that their weight depends
on their actions are the ones who report greater self-regulation of weight.
. These results suggest
issues to take into account in the cognitive-behavioral treatments geared towards obesity control, specifically
training self-regulation abilities and at the same time work on changes in beliefs related to weight.


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How to Cite
Lugli Rivero, Z. (2022). Autoeficacia y locus de control: variables predictoras de la autorregulación del peso en personas obesas. Pensamiento Psicológico, 9(17), 13. Retrieved from
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