Nuevos retos para la PsicologÌa Social: edadismoy perspectiva de gÈnero

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Soledad De Lemus
Francisco Expósito


Population aging is a current demographic phenomena produced by a constant decrease
in birthrate and an increase of life expectancy
. This process is expected to keep on
expanding and consolidating globally
, both in developed and developing countries.
is a social construct, a period of life which is dif
ferently defined in several cultures,
although it always shares some features. Quality of life related to age is strongly af
by socially accepted attitudes mi beliefs toward this background variable. Demographic
research also shows a clear feminization of aging caused by womení
s greater longevity
Thus, it is an important challenge for Social Psychology in the XXI century to recognize
investigate and prove how the combination of these two social categories -age md gender
and the social processes related to them inhibit or facilitate the integration of these people
in the society where they live.


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How to Cite
De Lemus, S. ., & Expósito , F. . (2010). Nuevos retos para la PsicologÌa Social: edadismoy perspectiva de gÈnero. Pensamiento Psicológico, 1(5), 20. Retrieved from
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