Fathers’ Encounters with their Children with Down Syndrome: Suffering and Empathy

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Gustavo Ariza Marriaga


. To understand the experience of raising children with Down syndrome (DS), from the perspective of
the father.
A qualitative hermeneutical historical research design involving 20 parents, aged between
32 and 60 years of age with children with DS was employed. The parents of the children with DS from the
the Department of Pediatrics and Child Care of the University of Antioquia program were interviewed in
focus groups and with semi-structured interviews. The analysis was performed by categories and documentary
review, with the support of the Atlas Ti program.
Participants reported that the diagnosis of the disease
was unexpected, and generated a sense of being overwhelmed and suffering. The fathers’ encounters with
their children with DS was full of uncertainty and surprise; they experienced sadness, doubt and insecurity.
The fathers recognized the need to be strong to support the mother.
. The father of a child with DS,
independent of his own suffering, assumes a position of strength to accompany the mother in the process.


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How to Cite
Ariza Marriaga, G. . (2018). Fathers’ Encounters with their Children with Down Syndrome: Suffering and Empathy. Pensamiento Psicológico, 16(2), 11. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javerianacali.PPSI16-2.ephs
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