Communication Styles as Stress Predictors and Dyadic Coping in Puerto Rican Marriages

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Ruth Nina Estrella
Jesús Marrero Centeno


To evaluate the possible relationship between the communication styles (positive, negative and
reserved), stress and dyadic coping.
Considering this purpose, a non-experimental quantitative study
was proposed in which 121 married people participated based on their availability. Most of the participants were
in their first marriage, and averaged 42 years old. The participants agreed to answer the following instruments: (a)
Marital Communication Style Inventory and (b) Marital Relationship Stress Scale.
ositive and reserved
communication styles are predictors of dyadic coping. It was also observed that the negative communication
style is a significant predictor of stress in relationships.
These results support the relevance of
communication in relationships and the importance of developing positive communication styles to cope with
stressful situations.


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How to Cite
Nina Estrella, R., & Marrero Centeno , J. . (2020). Communication Styles as Stress Predictors and Dyadic Coping in Puerto Rican Marriages. Pensamiento Psicológico, 18(1), 11.
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