Mental Health in University Students of Ecuador: Relevant Symptoms, Differences by Gender and Prevalence of Cases
Main Article Content
Objective. To know the psychological symptoms of higher prevalence, the differences by gender and the incidence of cases in a
sample of university students’ from Ecuador. Method. Descriptive, epidemiological and comparative study by gender and cross
section through the Goldberg General Health Scale (GHQ-28); 444 participants (57% women and 43% men), between 17 to
34 years old (M= 21.4; SD = 2.2), students from three universities of Ecuador. Results. Somatization and social dysfunction
predominate as psychological symptoms. ere are differences by gender t(442) = 2.24; p < 0.05 with greater concentration in
men. 24% of the participants met the criteria of a probable case due to their symptoms and require supervision and psychological
intervention. Discussion. A segment of the Ecuadorian university population is vulnerable to mental health disorders and gender
affects the differential of psychological symptoms with a greater presence in men than in women.
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