Mental Health in University Students of Ecuador: Relevant Symptoms, Differences by Gender and Prevalence of Cases

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Rodrigo Moreta-Herrera
Joselyn Zambrano Estrella
Hernán Sanchez-Velez
Susana Naranjo-Vaca


Objective. To know the psychological symptoms of higher prevalence, the differences by gender and the incidence of cases in a
sample of university students’ from Ecuador. Method. Descriptive, epidemiological and comparative study by gender and cross
section through the Goldberg General Health Scale (GHQ-28); 444 participants (57% women and 43% men), between 17 to
34 years old (M= 21.4; SD = 2.2), students from three universities of Ecuador. Results. Somatization and social dysfunction
predominate as psychological symptoms. ere are differences by gender t(442) = 2.24; p < 0.05 with greater concentration in
men. 24% of the participants met the criteria of a probable case due to their symptoms and require supervision and psychological
intervention. Discussion. A segment of the Ecuadorian university population is vulnerable to mental health disorders and gender
affects the differential of psychological symptoms with a greater presence in men than in women.


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How to Cite
Moreta-Herrera, R., Zambrano Estrella, J., Sanchez-Velez, H., & Naranjo-Vaca, S. (2021). Mental Health in University Students of Ecuador: Relevant Symptoms, Differences by Gender and Prevalence of Cases. Pensamiento Psicológico, 19, 1–12.
Artículos de investigación original


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