Psychoeducational-Multidisciplinary Intervention on Adherence to Treatment in Mexicans with HIV

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Juan Carlos Plascencia-De la Torre
Elsy Claudia Chan-Gamboa
Osmar Juan Matsui-Santana
José Manuel Salcedo-Alfaro


Objective. To evaluate the change in adherence to antiretroviral treatment and the regulation of negative emotional states in
a sample of patients with HIV who received a psychoeducational-multidisciplinary intervention. Method. Quasi-experimental
study. Made up of 17 patients in the experimental group and 14 in the control group from a civil association in Guadalajara, Jalisco,
Mex. e Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment (CEAT-HIV) and the Questionnaire for
Factors Related to Adherence to Treatment for HIV / AIDS (CFR-AT HIV) were used. Descriptive and non-parametric analyses
were carried out to compare the study variables. Results. A signicant improvement was found in all the study variables of the
experimental group: adherence to treatment, stress, anxiety, and depression. In the control group, signicant differences were found
only in the variables of stress and anxiety. Discussion. e psychoeducational intervention could be related to a better adherence to
antiretroviral treatment and a decrease in the states of stress, anxiety, and depression in the participants of the experimental group,
one month aer completing the intervention.


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How to Cite
Plascencia-De la Torre, J. C., Chan-Gamboa, E. C., Matsui-Santana, O. J., & Salcedo-Alfaro, J. M. (2021). Psychoeducational-Multidisciplinary Intervention on Adherence to Treatment in Mexicans with HIV. Pensamiento Psicológico, 19, 1–12.
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