Resiliencia: una perspectiva desde la enfermedad crónica en población adulta

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Japcy Margarita Quiceno
Stefano Vinaccia


Recently there is a gradual and rapid increase of studies on resilience in adults with or without organic diseases
that are showing the importance of this construct as a protective factor for mental and physical health. It is
therefore the purpose of this paper to show how the construct of resilience has transcended to the field of
health especially in chronic disease. It describes the characteristics of resilient adults and psychobiological and
genetic processes associated, psychometric instruments used to measure in adults, different physical pathology
that have been studied and a developed program of intervention in patients with chronic illness.


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How to Cite
Quiceno, J. M., & Vinaccia , S. (2022). Resiliencia: una perspectiva desde la enfermedad crónica en población adulta. Pensamiento Psicológico, 9(17), 14. Retrieved from
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