Enseñanza de la Historia de la Psicología paraguaya

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José García


Frameworks of analyses utilized for historical rese
arch in Latin American psychology can be summed up
according to four different points of view: a) the
history of psychology in its most universal sense,
b) the history
of psychology within the geographical limits of Lat
in America, c) the history of psychology within tha
t country
chosen for study, and d) local history. During the
last few decades, the historiography referred to t
he psychology
of the continent produced an important number of st
udies for nearly all of the countries in the region
, including
Paraguay. For teaching purposes, the history of Par
aguayan psychology began no more than 10 years ago
in the
form of conferences, specific seminars or as topics
included in some courses dealing with the history
of general
psychology. These are to be found within the curric
ulum as presented by a reduced number of universiti
es. In
terms of intellectual discipline, the historical st
udies are to be found in the dimension of the refle
xive-critical rather
than in the instrumental-practical. In light of the
se considerations, the central purpose of this arti
cle is to establish a
conceptual and philosophical foundation for the tea
ching of history of psychology. Furthermore, it enu
merates the
teaching objectives which can serve as a guide for
the study and systematic teaching of the history of
in Paraguay. Some of the main implications of these
studies and their value to psychology in general a
re discussed
in the conclusion.


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How to Cite
García, J. . (2022). Enseñanza de la Historia de la Psicología paraguaya. Pensamiento Psicológico, 9(17), 20. Retrieved from https://revistas.javerianacali.edu.co/index.php/pensamientopsicologico/article/view/198
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