Cuidado y otredad en la convivencia escolar: una alternativa a la ley del talión

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Carina Viviana Kaplan


Cohabitation, conflict and violence in schools are socially relevant issues that have been posed in public
agendas of most Latin American countries during the recent decades. On a normative level, the rights of those
individuals who have been historically placed in a subordinate position, such as children and youngsters, have
been extended. However, alongside laws, it is necessary to generate the conditions for cultural change; which
helps to build a pedagogy to release emotions in an emancipatory sense. It is imperative to make a turn from
the pedagogy of punishment to another one that enables the self-control of emotions on the basis of respect
towards others in a social coexistence. This text explores the expressions of xenophobia and racism, in the
socio-dynamics of stigmatization which characterize the current times we live in and which are observed in
educational practices. We understand violence as a builder of subjectivity, as a mode of social pain that reports
damages. Thus, repairing is an educational act that enables less traumatic school experiences and leaves as a
legacy of transmission an ethical attitude towards the other.


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How to Cite
Kaplan , C. V. . (2016). Cuidado y otredad en la convivencia escolar: una alternativa a la ley del talión. Pensamiento Psicológico, 14(1), 12.
Artículos de reflexión