Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la educación científica temprana. Una revisión

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Óscar Ordóñez Morales


This article shows an overview of recent psychological literature about relation between
s scientific understanding and new technologies of information used in educa-
tional contexts.
The aim is to ar
gue that both, scientific education and early children’
scientific rationality may be support by environmental learning based on information
technologies and learning networks.
The literature review includes studies that link cog-
nitive development with scientific education; studies that demonstrates how technolo-
gies of information af
fect to early scientific understanding; and studies about the role
played by virtual technologies in descriptive research about the cognitive processes in-
volved in scientific thinking.
Along the review
, an assessment is made focused on some
future trends in the area
e conclude that to implement learning networks in educatio-
nal contexts improves better achievements in early scientific education


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How to Cite
Ordóñez Morales , Óscar. (2010). Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la educación científica temprana. Una revisión. Pensamiento Psicológico, 1(5), 14. Retrieved from
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