Review of the Concept of Educational Quality and Well-Being Models from a Psychological Perspective

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Francisco Leal-Soto
Olga Cuadros


Objective. Framed on the evaluation of the quality of education, this work has two main aims: one, to argue the vision of the
educational market that prevalent in the implementation of cognitive and non-cognitive indicators in national and transnational
standardized tests (high-stakes) in the world, and particularly in Chile. e second aim is to offer a conceptual framework from
the perspective of psychology that addresses well-being and other relevant variables associated with it (learning engagement,
motivation, satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-determination) as pertinent measures of educational quality evaluation, which allow
a better understanding of the interaction between personal and contextual resources that are displayed in the learning process.
Method. A documentary review of empirical research and public records of governmental and non-governmental organizations
from the last three decades was carried out. Results. Despite being nominally related to well-being, as established by the Sustainable
Development Agenda 2015-2030 performed by the United Nations. Discussion. e theoretical support of non-cognitive
indicators is directly related to the idea of productivity and academic achievement, associated with a neoliberal ideology, which
has been shown to have negative effects on the educational management of schools and the mental health of teachers and students.


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How to Cite
Leal-Soto, F., & Cuadros, O. (2021). Review of the Concept of Educational Quality and Well-Being Models from a Psychological Perspective. Pensamiento Psicológico, 19, 1–12.
Artículos de investigación original


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