Factores en el consumo de alcohol en adolescentes

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Diana Cicua
Margaret Méndez
Liliana Muñoz


The purpose of this report of quantitative, trans-sectional and correlational design
was to describe the factors associated with alcohol consumption in adolescents
of the city of Bogotá (Colombia). For this research, we employed a general
data card to establish the general characteristics of alcohol consumption in the
surveyed population and the Systematic Interview of Alcohol Consumption to
measure the categories of personal situations and situations involving others.
These instruments were applied to 406 adolescents between 12 and 17 years
old from both genders belonging to social strata 4 and 5 of five urban locations
in Bogotá (Colombia). Personal situations were found to be the principal risk
factors in adolescents, rather than those involving interaction with others.


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How to Cite
Cicua , D. ., Méndez , M., & Muñoz, L. . (2022). Factores en el consumo de alcohol en adolescentes. Pensamiento Psicológico, 4(11), 20. Retrieved from https://revistas.javerianacali.edu.co/index.php/pensamientopsicologico/article/view/120
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