Características de la cultura organizacional y comunicación interna en una comercializadora de lácteos de Cali

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Diana Marcela Gómez
Kewy Sarsosa Prowesk


. The objective of this research was to identify the characteristics of the internal communication
attributed to the organizational culture of a family business which marketed dairy products.
. This re-
search is descriptive and has a transactional design in which data is gathered on a one time basis using a Diag-
nostic Questionnaire on the Organizational Culture of Cameron and Quinn (1999). The sample was made up
of 66 employees of different areas within the company.
Results and Conclusion.
The results signal the internal
communication shortcomings generated by the clan type organizational culture: focused inward as character-
ized by a family owned business.


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How to Cite
Gómez , D. M., & Sarsosa Prowesk, K. . (2022). Características de la cultura organizacional y comunicación interna en una comercializadora de lácteos de Cali. Pensamiento Psicológico, 9(17), 11. Retrieved from
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