Neuropsychological Intervention in a Problemof Language Expression and Comprehension

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Jemila Juárez Barrera
Maria del Rosario Bonilla Sánchez


Language is a high level brain function that helps us communicate with each other, regulates our
behavior, and organizes other brain functions. The purpose of this article is to present a case of a six year
old boy with alteration of the expressive and receptive form of language, resulting from probable congenital
factors. The main symptoms were incomprehensible speech, difficulties in following oral instructions, and
learning disabilities.
Assessments, based on Luria’s methodology, were made before and after the
application of the treatment. The assessment revealed kinesthetic, phonological and kinetic factor deficits.
These results facilitated the creation and application of a structured intervention program, which was applied
on a weekly basis, and consisted of activities of ascending levels of complexity, and which worked on different
high level brain functions at the same time, all guided by the therapist.
The post test assessment
showed the effectiveness of this program by reinforcing affected mechanisms and resulting in an increase
of control over his verbal productions and comprehension of others.
impairments in
early stages of development could improve by using a program based on a neuropsychological assessment to
generate and select the most appropriate activities to stimulate weak neuropsychological process, using those
which are most appropriate.


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How to Cite
Juárez Barrera, J., & Bonilla Sánchez , M. del R. . (2014). Neuropsychological Intervention in a Problemof Language Expression and Comprehension. Pensamiento Psicológico, 12(2), 15.
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