Intervention Approach to Improve Body Image Perception, from the Positive Psychology Perspective

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Karina Sugeyl Vanegas Ayala
Mónica Teresa González Ramírez


The following is a theoretical integration of two important topics: positive psychology and body image, in which
tools of positive psychology and the importance of prevention based on it are detailed. Also, the concepts of
body image in the population that is currently most vulnerable to this issue, adolescent women and young adult
women, are highlighted. This review is complemented with a detailed proposal of psychological intervention
designed from the approach of positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy. This proposal is composed
of 11 sessions focused on improving the body image of women in two age ranges: adolescents and young
adults who are normal weight, underweight or overweight; without falling into obesity or eating disorders. This
proposal was created under two theoretical perspectives that are oriented towards the change of perceptions
and behaviors that help self-acceptance of the body, with the purpose of avoiding body image distortion.
Likewise, the necessary details are provided for the intervention to be applied in further investigations that offer
evidence of its effectiveness and/or suggestions for improvements.


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How to Cite
Vanegas Ayala , K. S. ., & González Ramírez , M. T. (2018). Intervention Approach to Improve Body Image Perception, from the Positive Psychology Perspective. Pensamiento Psicológico, 16(1), 13.
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