Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in an academic community

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Sergio Humberto Barbosa Granados
Haney Aguirre Loaiza


Objective. To explore the Physical Activity (PA) levels ‒Low, Medium and High‒ differences according to Health-Related Quality
of Life (HRQL). Method. 269 participants (M = 25.3, SD = 1.5) between, students, teachers and administrators of an academic
community of Pereira, Colombia. e PA was assessed with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the
HRQL through the SF-36. Results. ose who reported having a moderate PA level showed signicantly best vitality, mental health
outcomes, and overall health (p < 0.05). While those with vigorous PA level averaged higher in overall health. e moderate and
vigorous PA levels, compared to the low level, showed a higher score in general health and mental health (p < 0.05). Conclusion.
is study provides evidence in favor of the link between PA and HRQL hypothesis; in addition, those subjects who selfreport moderate and vigorous PA levels showed better HRQL in the social function, vitality, general health, and mental health
dimensions. Future studies should emphasize the different PA levels that will favor the HRQL, principally, in school population.


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Barbosa Granados, S. H., & Aguirre Loaiza, H. (2020). Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in an academic community. Pensamiento Psicológico, 18(2), 1–13.
Artículos de investigación original


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