Planificación cognitiva en niños con déficit auditivo

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Ángela González Vinasco
Natalia Herrera
Diana Carolina Marín Tobón
Tatiana Rojas Ospina


This work looks for to approach and to explore the ability to plan of children with
auditory deficit, in face to a situation of resolution of problems (SRP), using the
information and the communication’s technologies (ICT), like a tool to consent
from an objective way to the children’s cognitive processes with auditory deficit,
without demanding him any type of verbal, written language or by means of
signs. The acting of 11 children who attend of the institute from the instituto para
niños ciegos y sordos del Valle del Cauca, with auditory deficit and with ages
between 4 and 5 years that use such technological helps as the one it implants
cochlear and headsets was analyzed. It was carried out a study of descriptive
and traverse character starting from a continuous mensuration scale, with an
analysis of the results of quantitative and qualitative. Among the main results
of the study it can say that the presence of improvements in the acting of the
children through the three intents that they should carry out to solve the SRP.
Although the differences inter-intents were not statistically significant, it was
observed that the children with auditory deficit are able to be traced partial plans
and to use sophisticated strategies in the resolution of the task. It was conclude
about the importance to use gathering instruments of the information adapted to
the necessities and characteristic of each population, at the moment to evaluate,
to describe and improve the cognitive processes of the children, in this case of the
children with auditory deficit.




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How to Cite
González Vinasco , Ángela ., Herrera , N. ., Marín Tobón , D. C. ., & Rojas Ospina , T. (2022). Planificación cognitiva en niños con déficit auditivo. Pensamiento Psicológico, 4(11), 20. Retrieved from
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