Evaluación y corrección neuropsicológica del lenguaje en la infancia

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María Alejandra Morales González
Emelia Lázaro García
Yulia Solovieva
Luis Quintanar Rojas


Language alterations constitute a frequent issue during childhood. This research is based on the
case study of a 5 year old female patient with language problems. Diagnosis was established by designing 
and applying an intervention program, drawn up according to the historic-cultural theoretical-methodological
approach. The main objective was to improve the articulation and proper coordination of phonemes of the
Spanish language, and as a complementary objective, the development of fine motor skills, the formation of
images of objects, and spatial orientation.
The evaluation and diagnostic was carried out based on
the application of qualitative protocols with a historical-cultural approach, determining, in the pre-intervention
evaluation, a functional weakness in kinesthetic integration and sequential motor organization of language.
After the initial evaluation the application of a corrective neuropsychological program was performed.
Re-evaluation was carried out after the intervention, which showed favourable changes in the girl’s verbal
comprehension and expression skills.
A reconsideration of the classical diagnosis and correction
schemes is prop osed, which are based on a single psychological function, and do not allow neither an integral
syndromic analysis to be carried out, nor an integral approximation for correction and development to be


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How to Cite
Morales González , M. A. ., Lázaro García , E. ., Solovieva, Y., & Quintanar Rojas, L. (2014). Evaluación y corrección neuropsicológica del lenguaje en la infancia. Pensamiento Psicológico, 12(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javerianacali.PPSI12-1.ecnl
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