Aproximaciones a un modelo de desarrollo a partir de la satisfacción con la vida

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Sandra Liliana Londoño


Satisfaction with life can be a proxy indicator of the complex phenomenon of
human and social development, with satisfaction with life being understood as
subjectively interpreted outcome, which is socially repeated due to its alignment
with collectively valued goals. Satisfaction with life can be affected by changes
in some variables analyzed theoretically and statistically, such as functional
capacities, goods, trust, choice of values, perception of the governability of the
country, and the functioning of democracy, which are studied empirically here.
For the estimation of the models which result from this interpretation of human
development, databases of the World Values Survey and the European Values
Survey in the year 2000 for 31 countries were utilized. Empirical results suggest
that satisfaction with life as an indicator of human development is affected
mainly by the interpretation of the personal conditions (functional capacity) and
the effective material wealth of the person.


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How to Cite
Londoño , S. L. (2022). Aproximaciones a un modelo de desarrollo a partir de la satisfacción con la vida. Pensamiento Psicológico, 4(11), 16. Retrieved from https://revistas.javerianacali.edu.co/index.php/pensamientopsicologico/article/view/116
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