The construction of a Dialogical Self in the transition from elementary school to high school

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Mónica Roncancio-Moreno
Danna Aristizábal Oviedo
Katherine Díaz-Upegui


Objective. The objective of this article is to explore the processes of co-construction of the dialogical Self in children in transition from elementary school to high school, from a perspective that integrates both the cultural psychology approach and the Theory of the Dialogical Self. Method. A qualitative study of an idiographic approach was designed to conduct two case studies. Results. The results showed a dynamic of tensions and the emergence of new meanings in the dialogic Self system, organized by the cultural orientation of significant others and by the context of school transitions. Particular Semiotic Affective Fields and Dynamic Positioning of the Self were identified in both cases. Conclusion. The dynamics of the Dialogical Self is constructed by meaning-making from hyper-generalized signs of an affective nature throughout development, which is configured and reconfigured by processes of cultural canalization and anticipated recognition. The need to give a voice to the participants is highlighted in such a way that this allows processes of reflection and repositioning.


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Roncancio-Moreno, M., Aristizábal Oviedo, D., & Díaz-Upegui, K. (2022). The construction of a Dialogical Self in the transition from elementary school to high school. Pensamiento Psicológico, 20, 1–15.
Monográfico Psicología Cultural en el contexto de Iberoamérica: Diálogos transdisciplinares


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